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Two sides to Confidence

Mar 19, 2024

2 min read



Self-confidence and Cautiousness are contrasting character traits that stem, in part, 

from differences in personality and upbringing. The Holy Spirit and the Word of God sanctify these traits for the Master’s use. Without sanctification, these traits will dissolve into toxic behaviors. But, Love corrects a multitude of sins.

Self-confidence is not a virtue that is praised or encouraged in the Bible.

Confidence in the Lord is - Confidence in who Jesus is and what He has done. Confidence in the truthfulness of the Word of God and the trustworthiness of His promises.

Unsanctified self-confidence turns into arrogance and rash behavior.  This person is less open to counsel from others and easily drawn into arguments.

Love develops a wise and bold servant-leader, aware of the needs of others and able to encourage their faith.  

Cautiousness that springs from a reliance on the opinions of others or a demand for control is refuted in the Bible.

Making wise decisions that benefit others based on the Word and will of God is praised. 

Unsanctified cautiousness turns into fearful timidity, indecisiveness and succumbing to peer pressure. It may also exert undue authority and influence over others. 

Love develops a thoughtful consideration of others realizing that making decisions and holding firmly to opinions formed by the word of God is an act of love toward another person by providing reliability and security. 

The important question for both personalities is not “Are you confident?” but “Where/in Whom do you place your confidence?” 

Foolish confidence:  Ps. 49:13; Luke 12:20; Phil 3:3,4

Confidence in Christ:  2 Cor. 3:4;7:16; 8:22;  Gal. 5:10; 1 Tim. 3:13; 1 John 3:21; 4:17

Speaking with Confidence:  2 Cor. 10:2

Coming to God with Confidence: Eph 3:12; Heb. 4:16; 10:19

Holding fast one’s confidence: Heb. 3:6,14; 10:35; 1 John 2:28

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