I was given a blank journal at a women's retreat in 2000. I used it to copy over promises of God that I needed to cling to and prayers for my family I needed to give words to. It was years later that I realized I needed to daily remind myself that I could come confidently to God in prayer because of Christ's righteousness and not my own.
When I added a Daily Gospel Truth section to my original journal, I had to glue pages into the front. Crossway's beautiful edition has allowed me to expand this section - and add to it.
I decided it would be good for me to add other verses in this section that would remind me Jesus is my greatest treasure.
This has been another way to rightly focus my heart as I begin to pray.
What better place to start but with Matt. 11:28-30 followed by Col. 1:12-20?
Then I added all the "I Am's" of Christ. It has been a sweet and rich couple of weeks working on this.
John 6:48 Jesus is the Bread of Life - knowing him satisfies my spiritual longings. He is the true source of nourishment and sustenance for life in this world.
John 8:12 Jesus is the Light of the World - He is for me what the cloud and pillar of fire had been for His people during their wandering in the wilderness He is present. He protects. He guides.
John 10:7 Jesus is the Door of the Sheep. Throught Him alone can I enter into the salvatin of His coming kingdom In Christ alone is my daily security and refude as I live in the presnt age. "In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety." Ps. 4:8
John 10:1-188 Jesus is the Good Shepherd - He nourishes guides and protects. He knows me by name. He put himself in harm's way to save me. He is all that I need.
John 11:25 Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life - He has destroyed death's dark dominion and freed me from fear and slavery. For me to live is Christ, to die is gain. Heb. 2:14,15; Phil 1:21
John 14:6 Jesus is the Way, The Truth and the Life - Jesus is the only way to God. He alone can reveal truth. He alone can give fulness of life eternally. Jesus died to give me life, point me to truth and open up the way to God.
John 15:1 Jesus is the True Vine that no one else could ever have been. Isa. 5. United to him I can experience true flourishing and fruitfulness.
Journal Resources: Thoughts about Daily Gospel Truth