Jesus said we are to forgive our brothers and sisters. Even if we have to do this 490 times!
Forgiveness is that important.
I have found that I often have to forgive a person multiple times for the same offense.
I think I have forgiven, handed it over to Jesus,
and then out of the blue a flash of anger or a clutch of bitterness fills my heart.
And it is back to the cross.
The incessant stabbing pain in my chest
lays dormant.
The scar is hidden from all but those
who know me best.
It’s been two years.
Yet like a cruel intruder
a thought creeps in unnoticed.
I feel life drain from my face
as the muscles tighten.
My eyes stare into an awaken past
that imprisons my mind in a present torment.
I am weary of remembering.
The peace that is stolen in an instant resists returning.
The path from anger to forgiveness has not shortened
nor simplified.
Still, I am desperate to forgive
lest there come a hardening
that cements me forever further
from my only hope.
Give me grace - again - to put on
And when my complaint cries for justice,
may I forgive
and be thankful for the mercy
you have given me.